MFM – Sweet Potato Fritters

Ok this week’s meat free Monday recipe is sweet potato fritters. I make them all the time, a great addition to any meal, but especially good with eggs for brunch.

I like to add kale and sweetcorn to get loads of nutrients in them but you can put in whatever you like. Spinach (make sure you wilt and remove excess water), broccoli (grate it), peas or any green veg would work.

You could also substitute the smoked paprika for cumin to give it a different flavour or take out the chilli if it’s not your thing.


I like to make a double batch and freeze half in individual portion sizes. Ready to defrost, form into patties and cook. This way they are on  hand if you are short on time and or inspiration. They will last a couple of months in the freezer.

Give them a go, they are pretty easy, the food processor does all the hard work, just the way I like it!

This week I made a video too – See it here…



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