Rosa Malacca – A Hotel Review

Rosa Malacca

I had a bash at a bit of creative writing, submitting the following to win a nights stay at Rosa Malacca. The brief… to review the hotel without having stayed there. I went for a story style review, recounting my review like a dream stay at Rosa Malacca.

I only went and won! See here for my post on Why Melaka Should Be On Your List When You Visit Malaysia. On with my entry…

The doors of Rosa Malacca open and I have arrived. The setting: a chic reception with friendly staff who help us to plan our stay, booking all the necessary arrangements. I immediately relax. The lighting is soft, romantic even and I know this is a place I won’t want to leave.

It reminds me of a Brooklyn hotel, it’s effortlessly cool and equally comfortable. It looks straight out of a magazine, it’s contemporary style and areas to relax are so instagramable. I immediately want to get my camera and snap some pictures to show my friends.

We wait for the lift admiring the art, find our room, taking it all in. It’s spacious and cosy, with details that make it feel like home. Unpacking is always my first joy when arriving in a hotel. I hang my clothes in a wardrobe that makes my clothes look like an art installation. I can just imagine some new items I spied in the shop looking fabulous hanging there too.


We adventure out in a trishaw to the Red Square, wandering the streets of the UNESCO world heritage site of Melaka, soaking up all the history in the architecture. Spotting temples, churches, and places to buy souvenirs. We walk back slowly through the streets, getting to know the neighbourhood a little bit more with every step.

We arrive back at Rosa Malacca and see the cakes; afternoon tea is in order at Bica & Co Cafe. Delicious Earl Gray tea and sweet treats is the perfect antidote for our tired feet.

We head upstairs to our room to relax; I take a long shower in the luxurious bathroom with the Rosa accessories. I put on a fluffy gown and feel revived; happiness is a hotel bathroom robe.

We discuss the evening and make plans but in the words of Winnie the Pooh we start by taking a smallish nap.

We eventually start our evening in the Bica & Co Courtyard; we couldn’t resist the romantic lights and delicious menu. I have the pasta and B the Salmon, it’s the perfect start. We head into town, walking down the bustling Jonker Street, stopping to pick up treats. We find a café to sit and watch the world go by, Melaka is such a vibrant place to observe.

rosa MelaccaI overslept, the bed is too comfortable to leave, but its ok I dress quickly as I can’t wait for breakfast. I yawn, it’s a scream for coffee, good job the coffee downstairs is so good. After a leisurely breakfast we browse the shop for items to remind us of our stay. The stylish room cushions are a must and maybe a scarf. B has his eye on the Swiss made watches and we definitely need some mugs.

It’s time to leave the comfort of Rosa Malacca, but I know we’ll be back. I pack my things including the slippers, I love hotel slippers I always want them and this time I’m allowed to take them. We check out with ease and there’s just enough time to get the right selfie in the stylish reception.



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