Things To Do In Borobudur

What to do in BorobudurI had no idea what to expect from my solo trip to Yogyakarta. I’d been to touristy Indonesia and loved it but wanted to understand this country with it’s many, many islands. I wanted to see a bit of rural Indonesia, and with Borobudur that is exactly what I got. Beautiful countryside, hidden temples and views across the whole of Java, what’s not to love?

I booked it on a whim and was pretty open to the itinerary. Reading what I could and just embracing the advice given to me by my host. I was lucky enough to stay at Janur Bungalow. Where my hosts not only provided the best breakfasts but also the best advice on what to do in the local area.

Bobby, offers excellent ideas and will even provide the tours himself. Janur Bungalow is in the middle of a village 10 minutes from Borobudur Temple. It is peaceful, beautiful and has amazing views of volcanos and countryside. I would highly recommend it.

Menoreh Hill

I spent my time touring the local area and can say that it is stunning. Lush green tea and coffee plantations at Menoreh Hill, plus an epic view and a place to get refreshments. I really enjoyed taking some time to sit, look at the view and relax. Amazing. I also really enjoyed walking through the tea plantations and seeing coffee in bean form. To say I have drunk so much of the stuff I had very little knowledge on it!

Soroloyo Peak

Another amazing view from Soroloyo Peak, As high as you can go in Borobudur. Also on Menoreh Hill (actually a mountain!) but from a different side. The village is as rural and traditional as I’ve seen in Indonesia. We climbed the side of the mountain on a motorbike to the village of Soroloyo. Reaching a mosaic mural of Wayang Kulit, the traditional shadow puppets of Indonesia and sculptures. Climb the stairs and you can see the full spectacle of the mountain range.


This was my favourite place. I was the only tourist here so had the whole temple to myself, able to sit in quiet reflection for some time. Wonderful people look after Selogriyo temple, I was lucky enough to share a coffee with them. As impressive as the temple is, the rice fields are just as breathtaking. Spreading for acres, they make the ones I saw in Bali look tiny. I also loved Selogriyo village, flags everywhere and people living their lives; drying the rice and kids playing in the streets.

Things to do in Borobudur

Kampung Life

Not available on your average tour, having coffee in the Kampung (village). Bobby took me to meet his friends and have coffee in their home. I picked fruit from the trees and was looked after by lovely people. I even got to meet these cool guys…


Borobudur Temple

What a stunning place. I went around 9 am and it was already packed with other people. Hot in the blistering sun ensure you take water and sun cream. The steps are very steep so be prepared to be sweaty at the top! But wow it was worth it, I’ll let the photo’s speak for themselves.

Borobudur and Prambanan – the reason everyone visits this area, the two temples. And yes both are spectacular but don’t just visit the temples, see the area, meet the people and soak up the culture, you won’t regret it. This was a fantastic start to my solo adventures in Yogyakarta city, Lombok and Gili.


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