Kuching a Return Trip!

Oh Kuching you beauty. I could honestly live there. A great mix of places to eat and drink, plus jungle rivers and beaches – perfect!

Kuching was our first trip when we first moved here, so it’s fitting that it is also our last. It wasn’t planned this way I just worked out that some lovely friends wanted one last trip to come see us and Kuching just worked as a great place to take them. You can see what we did the first time here… What to do in Kuching – an Unexpected Paradise


I’m so glad we went back. Sometimes you go back somewhere and it just isn’t the same, but we all had a fabulous few days and Kuching actually left me a little melancholic at the prospect of leaving this wonderful country.

This time we wandered even more, tried more places for food, went to some local places for a beer (and some dodgy shots) and went on a river cruise. So what did we love…


First things first The Ranee Boutique suites has not lost its charm. The service is excellent, as is the food and drinks. And the room well, just take a look at the view we arrived to…

Kuching a return trip

Kuching Food and Drink

I still love Commons in the Old Court House. Great cake and coffee and that Mezze board is still epic. We went there a few times, we also went to their bar next door called The Den. Food was good and the cocktails were strong.


Still in love with Drunk Monkey a great backstreet bar, with a great vibe.

We tried The Granary, somewhere I wanted to try last time. Great venue and good food. They also do craft markets from time to time, selling locally made goods.

Lepau was recommended to us by our hotel manager and I am so glad she did. We got to try lots of local dishes in a traditional restaurant environment. I would highly recommend going to this place.

Another favourite was Bla Bla Bla. Unassuming from the front, you wander through the bar to a huge restaurant at the back. Amazing food and the best Tuac I have tried.

We went back to The Fig Tree (twice) both times the food was fantastic and such good value for money.

And do go get some drinks at Bear Garden, they donate profits to animal conservation. A nice bar with a great heart.

Kuching Activities

If you want to hear about Bako Park head here… What to do in Kuching – an Unexpected Paradise

This time around we wanted to do some different activities, hoping to see Kuching’s other delights.

River tour

We had a keen wildlife spotter in our midst so we took a trip up river to see the mangroves and hopefully see the area’s famous Irrawaddy dolphins. Unfortunately luck wasn’t on our side and they didn’t make an appearance. We did see the also shy Silver Langurs and some crocs, so all was not lost.

My advice, go late in the day and combine it with a firefly trip. Apparently the dolphins are more likely to be around late afternoon as are the proboscis monkey.


The Ranee: Margaret of Sarawak Exhibition

An unexpected delight. I found it in the Old Court House and had an enjoyable time learning about The Ranee of Sarawak. An impressive women, who did so much for Sarawak, go see it and combine it with a visit to…

Fort Margherita

A detailed history of the White Rajahs of Sarawak. Really interesting, The Brookes seemed like a great family who lived to serve the people of Sarawak. It also has a great view of the river.

Orchid Garden

Lots of orchids to be seen and just over the new bridge.

Textile museum

The current ground floor exhibition is local crafts and how they are made. The floor above is all about batik and local beading techniques, which was right up my street!

Street art tour

There is lots of cat statues and street art around Kuching. Well worth a wander around, there has been some new pieces and renovation to old pieces making it all look fab.

Night time river illuminations

I think this might have been my favourite activity, mainly because we stumbled upon it and it’s pretty amazing. It starts with a pretty good light show and then develops into a spectacular show of the history of Sarawak.

The musical fountain will play a 15-minute show at 8.30pm and 10pm every night.


I think Kuching might be one of my favourite places I’ve ever been. The food, the river, the ability to amble around exploring places. Plus all the entertainment.


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